Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Standing There Buck-Naked.

A friend told me about a blogger that makes $40,000/month. It wasn't too difficult to track her down. (With the help of Google.) I've followed it the last two weeks in my Reader, and I've discovered why it's so successful - she has sold herself and bares it all to the world. Today she talked about her daughter saying whatever she wants in public. The blogger...

*Side Note: I just bested THE FLY. Over these last three weeks, we've had a solitary fly doing kamikaze attacks to our heads, hands, and faces at all hours. Protected by a mithril shield and armor and blessed by Norse gods with lightning speed, THE FLY has prevailed. However, while writing this blog I just caught him one-handed, alive. I decided that being such a worthy opponent he should live (after all, how many flies are blessed by mythic gods and wear armor?). I took him outside and let him go. (Okay, I did give him a slight victory shake - kind of like playing a single bean maraca.)

So on with the blogger person. She said that life would be so easy if people could say whatever they wanted in public, and how difficult it is having to hold in all the bad thoughts in her head while in public. Yet she gets home and blogs to millions about the same thoughts she wanted to but couldn't say in public. Is there a difference?

She speaks her mind. She is cross, foul-mouthed, and calloused. But she sells. I guess as a blogger I have to find the place between talking over the wall and standing in public buck-naked.


Summersfam said...

If standing in public buck-naked can earn a person $40,000 a month, and talking over the fence brings in nothing, then I think that somewhere in between the two you could still be pretty comfortable!

Congrats on besting the fly!

S. M. Jenkins said...

I guess my comfort will depend on the climate, time of year, and which articles of clothes are sparse!

Thanks, Summersfam, for reading this blog. While at the moment there a few (and by few, I mean two) readers, I expect someday to have many and I will look back fondly on the time when two of my favorite people in the world supported a simple dream.

I believe the fly was headed East, by North East. Which means you will be seeing him any day.

Paige of Pearls said...

Sam, I think you mean south by southeast, right? Otherwise he will end up in Nova Scotia.

S. M. Jenkins said...

Which ever direction, I am sure Fly will find his way safely to his new home!

Rachel tells me I can't name it. But when you meet him, you'll recognize him.

Summersfam said...

I think he's already here. Must have flown all night.

Nova Scotia. I wish I could fly north by north east.