Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Word Salad

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I have been reading some case histories of Milton Erickson and one of the cases inspired me to use the name Word Salad. That name being taken, I tried Salad Word Salad for a while. I originally posted this there, but then changed to the already famous blog title: Word Salad Ballad. I will reveal through the course of this blog more of the why and share some of the exciting things on the horizon. Both my horizon and the worlds. Let's start first with our eminent demise. Doodle Scoot.

Three words, that sound like word salad: Large Hadron Collider. After reading about it I received an email from my brother with this article.

I love where "Rees calculated that the probability of the Large Hadron Collider to produce a global catastrophe or black hole is 1 in 50 million." That's amazing. We have better odds of all being sucked into a man made black hole than we do of winning the US or Australian Power Ball.

I don't know whether to buy a ticket or build a black-hole-impervious-bunker. Either way the protons are ramping up to the speed-of-light and we should all hold our breath until Oct 21st (when the first protons collide). After all, with odds that good, even Captain Kirk would worry.