These must be written in the same day the blog was read to qualify. Contest will run until September, 30th. Judging will be done by a board of qualified limerick professionals. The winner will have his or her limerick posted as the Blog-of-the-day on a nationally syndicated blog. Following is a sample limerick. All posts must be better than this shabby limerick if posters don't want them deleted by the uber-moderator. *Keep these PG or G.
There once was a contest for bloggers,
who wanted to all become loggers.
they went into the trees,
they came out begging please,
and ran straight back home to compuggers.
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Super-Limerick Contest
Posted by
S. M. Jenkins
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Labels: contest
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There once was a salad named Word
Whose entries were very absurd.
The balladeer Sam
Ate raspberry jam
And whined that my limerick was murd-
Ha ha! Love it. Here's mine
There once was a mom of four
Who had laundry piled up on the floor.
She's addicted to blogs
She doesn't like frogs
And she really should get to the store.
Oh, I hope I win!
Oh, man. That was good. Can I enter another one? Oh, please can I?
I'm going to have to re-read the fine print in the rules, but I don't recall there being a limit to one entry per person?
Is there a limit, S.M.?
There is no limit to the amount of entries per person. And as I read my poorly written rules, apparently you only have to read the blog in the same day that one posts their new entry. I need a lawyer to help in future contests. (Yes, you heard me right, future contests. There will even be some real prizes. Not that being posted on a NSB isn't super-cool!)
So, post away!
Hey! This is the blog you are referring to in the rules? What a crock!
I want my money back. ALL of it.
I'd mail you back the money but seeing that the stamp would cost me 47 times your entry fee - I'm gonna keep it! All of it!
There once was a girl in La Grande
Who typed up a poem by hand.
She posted it on
A blog that was non-
Sensical but so never bland.
There once was a sweet little baby
Who screamed like a two-headed lady
I wish she would sleep
It would be a great leap
And her mom wouldn't feel quite so jadey
Yeah, that's right. Jadey is a word. And it means.... uh.... really tired?
There once was a Nazi named Zeller,
who hated that old Van Trapp feller,
Zel' cut him some slack,
Cap' slipped through the crack;
An escape that was rather steller.
In order to post this it says I have to verify the 'word'. What the heck does 'irkezfdg' mean?
That's a great one, Sam! It even makes sense!
rwzrjshu doesn't, though.
Woa! That's a great one!
But you know you're not eligible, right? I mean, you're not.... Because that would totally be unfair, RIGHT??
Oh boy. Guess I'd better come up with one that makes sense.
I don't know what irkezfdg or rwzrjshu mean, but ntomzz... I know EXACTLY what that means. Actually I don't.
Like I said, it's a pretty broken rule system.
Oh and that limerick was bad compared to the one I have brewing!
Once a young woman from La Grande,
made a friend in a distant land,
with one thing in common,
they saw it an omen,
and from there their lives they both planned.
Hey, that's a good one! And so very relevant! I've been trying to think of a good one all day, but no luck. Nothing rhymes today. I'll try again tomorrow.
Hey, lots of things rhyme in the news today!
There once was an economy in trouble
'Twas caused by a housing bubble
I hope it gets better
I need a new sweater
But at least there's still money for the Hubble!
Hey, what gives? The deadline came and went and no announcement of the winner? Is the panel still deliberating? Sheesh. You'd think the balladeer and panel were really busy or something.
I send each entry to the Oregon Spelling Bee Champion of 1986 and have yet to hear the winning verdict. Not actually joking either. Might be off on the date though.
You know the Oregon Spelling Bee Champion of 1986?? Holy cow! That's awesome. She must be totally cool.
(just guessing that it's a she because girls are awesome spellers, and I'm sure that the spelling bee champion of 1986 is now one hot smart awesome mama! Did I guess right??)
I know two Oregon spelling champions and they both work for me! What are the odds? And, they are both men. Very manly men. Well, at least very geeky manly men.
Dang it! I thought it was Paige of Pearls. Because she could have been Oregon Spelling Bee champion if she wanted to be.
That is really odd that you have two working for you. Strange indeed.
Hey, thanks, summersfam! But my career in spelling bees ended long ago. And it wouldn't be fair for me to judge a contest I was in, right? I wonder who will win! Good luck to us all!
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